As stated in one of my previous posts “Not a Hoax”, I explained my concerns for the environment and all those who dwell within it with the recent election of Trump. It has only been about 100 days since he became the new president, and Trump has done nothing in favor of the planet during this time.
After filling his cabinet full of global warming non believers, we are about to see our Earth drilled into shambles. Trump recently declared “the war on coal” has ended, so he went right ahead and removed restrictions on fossil fuel productions. These politicians cannot see past the money that they find within these awful productions! With restrictions being removed faster than I can blink, coal mining and oil drilling in every place imaginable will not only make our air unclean and contribute to all the catastrophic effects of global warming. It will make solar and wind power less desirable and possibly more expensive. In addition, his latest executive order is to shrink or get rid of national monuments (a.k.a. nature reserves) to open up more space for drilling. The steps that Trump is taking to make money will eventually make our planet unlivable, and this will happen faster than you may think. The Paris Agreement was put in place to keep the planet’s temperature from rising over 2.7 degrees fahrenheit, but with Trump showing interest in pulling the United States from that agreement shows how selfish and money driven this man really is. It is undeniable how quickly the planet’s temperature is rising currently, and the addition of Trumps orders will speed up our planet’s inevitable doom. If this doesn’t sound bad enough, poor Obama has to watch all his hard work disappear. Trump signed an executive order on April 28th to review offshore oil and gas drilling, something Obama worked so hard to put in place in December of 2016. If the Republican party is so family oriented then why don’t they stop for a second to think about what kind of world their children and grandchildren will be living in? Money is all that matters to Trump, and that is being made clearer every day.