Friday, April 28, 2017

Drilling to our Doom

As stated in one of my previous posts “Not a Hoax”, I explained my concerns for the environment and all those who dwell within it with the recent election of Trump. It has only been about 100 days since he became the new president, and Trump has done nothing in favor of the planet during this time.
After filling his cabinet full of global warming non believers, we are about to see our Earth drilled into shambles. Trump recently declared “the war on coal” has ended, so he went right ahead and removed restrictions on fossil fuel productions. These politicians cannot see past the money that they find within these awful productions! With restrictions being removed faster than I can blink, coal mining and oil drilling in every place imaginable will not only make our air unclean and contribute to all the catastrophic effects of global warming. It will make solar and wind power less desirable and possibly more expensive. In addition, his latest executive order is to shrink or get rid of national monuments (a.k.a. nature reserves) to open up more space for drilling. The steps that Trump is taking to make money will eventually make our planet unlivable, and this will happen faster than you may think. The Paris Agreement was put in place to keep the planet’s temperature from rising over 2.7 degrees fahrenheit, but with Trump showing interest in pulling the United States from that agreement shows how selfish and money driven this man really is. It is undeniable how quickly the planet’s temperature is rising currently, and the addition of Trumps orders will speed up our planet’s inevitable doom. If this doesn’t sound bad enough, poor Obama has to watch all his hard work disappear. Trump signed an executive order on April 28th to review offshore oil and gas drilling, something Obama worked so hard to put in place in December of 2016.
If the Republican party is so family oriented then why don’t they stop for a second to think about what kind of world their children and grandchildren will be living in? Money is all that matters to Trump, and that is being made clearer every day.


Nahely said...

Hello fellow classmate,
I could not agree more with your post! All this man cares about is money and does not stop to think how much he is hurting our beloved earth. All the hard work Obama did is worth nothing now, it is sad to see how this man is digging us so far down a hole and before we realize it we will be buried in it. If just for a second politicians stopped caring about money and more about the environment the world could be different. Not everything is money, one way or another one can always find a way to get or make money, money will always be there...
But what will not always be there if we continue in the route we are now, is our Home. Earth needs our help and it needs it now! Yes Global warming is real, and one can absolutely feel the temperature rising! Like you stated in your post, " if the republican party is so family oriented then why don't they stop for a second and think about what kind of world their children and grand children will be living in?" and that statement could not be any more true!! As everyone knows one of the most important things about family is a home, and we have a great big blue one filled with natures beauty. So my question is, if they really are family oriented why are they hurting theirs families home, most importantly why are they destroying it. In reality, EVERY single living person on this earth needs to realize that our home needs our help, and if everybody stopped and took one second to make a change in a way that will make our Earth better for a brighter tomorrow no matter how big or small it is, we would not be worrying if we, our children or grandchildren might have a home to live in the following years.

Freedom Writer said...

I hear what my classmate is saying in her article, "Drilling to our Doom", the Trump administration is reeking havoc on our countries future. Or is he? We, civilians, have choices that we are in control of. Just because he's making these propositions doesn't mean the majority is going to agree. More recently, there has been a growing trend of tiny houses, hybrid cars, and renewable energy. I'm doubtful that the natural parks, that Trump is threatening to take away, are even holding enough fossil fuel to supply our rapidly growing population. It would be a shame to ruin these preserved pieces of land, to find out that it's not enough, only to be left as a wasteland. Trump's actions may be irreversible, and we who care need to revolt and be as resourceful as we can.

Reecha said...

I absolutely agree with what my classmate said in the blog entry Drilling to Our Doom. The National Park Services and such natural reserves have done the country and the world a big favor by limiting the urbanization and destruction of nature. With President Trump working diligently toward developing American economy, and anti-terrorism, he has forgotten some of the world's other troubles. One of the largest issues we have come to recognize and President Trump’s ignoring is global warming or rather, climate change.
I voice out the same question my friend has pointed out in the blog, “If the Republican party is so family oriented then why don’t they stop for a second to think about what kind of world their children and grandchildren will be living in?” Our newest president is putting in every effort, from removing restrictions on fossil fuel productions to threatening to pull out of the Paris Agreement, to nullify all that has been done till now to stop or at least slow down our planet’s destruction. And while he may not be even a bit concerned, we who recognize and believe in planet Earth’s vulnerability are. President Trump’s plans and actions are taking us backwards to the era where the United States’ air was filled with sooty and extremely harmful chemicals.
The climate change nonbelievers who lead our country at the moment really are drilling a path that will lead us straight to our doom. We must protest their actions, and we must do so right now.