Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

In today's politics, statements are thrown around by the president with little to no explanation or evidence. The article I chose to write about talks about a recent statement that Trump made claiming that he knows about terrorist attacks globally that the media is not covering. Upon further investigation, Trump gave no explanation to prove there is a credible threat. This is significant with what has been happening in our country recently with the Muslim ban and Trump's plan to build the wall. He is not doing Americans any favors by using terror tactics. It is baffling to see that the president has gone so far to lie and throw out false conspiracy theories to further his own agenda. It seems that he is doing this because he wants to scare the public to get more people on board with his absurd idea that non-Americans are a threat.
This article is worth the read because people need to realize that even though Trump is the president, he is far from credible.

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