Friday, February 24, 2017

Protect Trans Kids

The rights of transgender students have been undergoing a lot of questioning lately, following the recent elect of President Trump. In the article “The White house’s thoughtless, cruel and sad rollback of transgender rights” written by Arne Duncan and Catherine Lhamon, the authors go deeper into how President Trump taking office will put the progression of rights for all people in reverse. The authors audience is set towards people who may not be aware of this happening, or those who may just not care. The Trump administration made it official this week that they will no longer offer guidance to public schools on how they must protect transgender students. This announcement told every transgender student that they are on their own when it comes to protecting themselves. This is horrifying to hear because it is very real that transgender students have a high rate of suicide, and it comes as no surprise that this is true because of bullies and not feeling accepted. I personally know several transgender students, and I have seen the ridicule they deal with frequently from their peers. These two writers evaluated on just how it will directly affect transgender students. Giving every state and school district the right to choose how to identify students who are transitioning is going to cause problems, especially if that student were to transfer schools. Seeing how the White House doesn’t care about the safety of all students-- this change is going to further neglect these students. Some people may ask how I know these writers are creditable, well, Arne Duncan was previously a U.S education secretary, and Catherine Lhamon was an assistant education secretary for civil rights, and is chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Aside from this article coming from credible writers, it is common sense that Civil Rights are human rights, and everyone must be protected by them.

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