Friday, May 12, 2017

Untrustworthy President

I completely agree with the points made by my colleague Hailey about our immature and unqualified president. He seriously cannot give the people a solid answer! Everyone has been talking about the healthcare bill that was recently passed by the senate, and he is certain that this new bill will help millions (of rich people) lower their taxes, and nobody will lose coverage (if you don’t have pre existing conditions).
He even praised Australia’s healthcare to the prime minister, and stated that they have better healthcare than we do! The question remains: why is he taking a polar opposite approach if he thinks Australia has such great healthcare? Australia along with many other countries agree that healthcare is a right not a privilege. I am baffled at how he is still seen as credible by some if he cannot stick to his word.
I stopped writing this article for two days to see how the current events would progress in our government. Recently Trump has fired the director of the FBI for investigating some of the shady things he has done pre and post election. In the letter he wrote to Mr. Comey he stated he was “not under investigation”. This is very concerning to me that our president is so concerned with someone investigating all the iffy things he has done that he would fire the director of the FBI.

Overall, we cannot trust this man to run our country. It seems that it becomes more apparent every day. If he misses his life before his presidency so much then I would like to see him give up his place. It would benefit this country greatly!  

Friday, April 28, 2017

Drilling to our Doom

As stated in one of my previous posts “Not a Hoax”, I explained my concerns for the environment and all those who dwell within it with the recent election of Trump. It has only been about 100 days since he became the new president, and Trump has done nothing in favor of the planet during this time.
After filling his cabinet full of global warming non believers, we are about to see our Earth drilled into shambles. Trump recently declared “the war on coal” has ended, so he went right ahead and removed restrictions on fossil fuel productions. These politicians cannot see past the money that they find within these awful productions! With restrictions being removed faster than I can blink, coal mining and oil drilling in every place imaginable will not only make our air unclean and contribute to all the catastrophic effects of global warming. It will make solar and wind power less desirable and possibly more expensive. In addition, his latest executive order is to shrink or get rid of national monuments (a.k.a. nature reserves) to open up more space for drilling. The steps that Trump is taking to make money will eventually make our planet unlivable, and this will happen faster than you may think. The Paris Agreement was put in place to keep the planet’s temperature from rising over 2.7 degrees fahrenheit, but with Trump showing interest in pulling the United States from that agreement shows how selfish and money driven this man really is. It is undeniable how quickly the planet’s temperature is rising currently, and the addition of Trumps orders will speed up our planet’s inevitable doom. If this doesn’t sound bad enough, poor Obama has to watch all his hard work disappear. Trump signed an executive order on April 28th to review offshore oil and gas drilling, something Obama worked so hard to put in place in December of 2016.
If the Republican party is so family oriented then why don’t they stop for a second to think about what kind of world their children and grandchildren will be living in? Money is all that matters to Trump, and that is being made clearer every day.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Quit Sugar Coating it

My colleague made some very valid points in her article “The Government is Poisoning Us”. The government has continued to keep things from the public about what is going into the food that is grown-- and processed. It truly is unfortunate that we must face the decision of either spending our paychecks on overpriced fruits and veggies or consume unnatural pesticides and like you said, chlorpyrifos. However, I must add that the addition of chlorpyrifos to our produce is only scratching the surface of what we know and don’t know about our food. Now, I am not the type of herbivore to introduce myself and then tell people I cannot be their friend unless they stop eating meat. Nevertheless, since the topic of the government hiding the truth from us has come up I must put in my thoughts. This topic has made me change how I view the government because after all, they are here to better the public. Remarkably, the government has been hiding the true costs of the meat and dairy industry, and that will result in extreme consequences. Pardon my French, but it is utter bullshit that these industries are getting away with what they are. Very few speak out about it, and if they do odds are they are going to be ignored.
When you think about what is important to our country one major thing comes to my mind-- money. Similar to how farmers profits would decrease if they cut out the unnatural chemicals currently used, the country would lose a big chunk of their profits if the truth were to creep out. The meat and dairy industries bring in whopping loads of money, therefore, it is frowned upon when someone speaks out against it. I’m not just talking about the antibiotics that are actually widely discussed between nutrition nuts like me, I’m talking about how much water and land is needed to meet the public’s demand for these products. In addition to this, we have been fooled into thinking meat and dairy are necessary for our well being, but this is far from true.
While we think about challenging the government on telling us what is going into our produce, let us also challenge them to open up about these industries. I won’t go into too much detail, but all I can hope for is that the people that read this article will try to escape their filter bubbles and receive real information and understand the very real soon-to-be doomed planet we live on.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Not a Hoax

President Trump has been taking steps towards cutting the funding for the programs that Obama put in place to protect the environment, and this is more than likely to have extreme consequences that future generations will suffer from.
The Clean Power Plan is a course of action Obama put into place to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. Trump views this as something that kills jobs, so he will scrap it as quickly as he can. He promised more jobs in the coal industry, but our currently unsustainable planet is worth more than false promises of jobs. This action will take away all the progress that was made while Obama was in office, and make it more difficult and expensive to reduce the amount of carbon being released. With this will come catastrophic effects, so it should be expected to see drought, species extinction, sea levels rising, and intense heat waves if this is not stopped. Trump has also expressed that he would like to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement, which states that the country will take the steps necessary to control global climate change.

Putting climate issues behind, Trump is also removing laws that protect wildlife. Just last Tuesday a bill passed the House stating that it will now be legal to kill hibernating bears and other wildlife in Alaska. They think that this will increase the amount of game animals for hunters, but it is cruel and unnecessary to do so. The planet is already suffering greatly from the effects of animal agriculture, and this change will lead to even more overhunting and overfishing. Not to mention this will be killing innocent animals who aren’t doing these people any harm if left alone. All of this is solely intended to increase profits, but we will see how people react when animals that were once thriving start to die off.

Climate change is very real and the government needs to stop putting this issue on the back burner. Sorry Trump, but climate change isn’t a just a hoax created by the Chinese.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Dear Ann Coulter,

Ann Coulter is known for her many books targeted against the democratic party and her nonsense commentary on social media. In one of her articles “Can I be the Poster Child Against Obamacare?” she brings up how horrified she is that she has to pay $700 a month in taxes to help pay for the people she describes as “irresponsible”. Ann is a privileged white American, and she doesn’t know what it would be like to have serious medical issues and not be able to get any assistance. She brings up a point that in one of the first GOP debates Trump assures Americans that when Obamacare is repealed, there will be a replacement plan for those without health insurance. However, Trump has given very little information about what kind of plan he has, leaving the public concerned for their loved ones surviving off of the ACA. Some have said it is unlikely that this will have a major effect on citizens, but it is impossible that it wouldn’t given that about 22 million would lose health care. The Washington Post wrote an article responding to Bernie Sanders’ claim that approximately 36,000 Americans will die each year if the ACA is repealed. On the other hand, there is no way to know for sure that this number is absolutely accurate, but looking at the past statistics on how many uninsured americans died within the year-- this very well may be the future we are looking at. It is very baffling how Ann Coulter holds such high family values, as well as Christian values, but is still advocating for the removal of the program that keeps so many people alive. Ann should get off her high horse and understand that her taxes are not to help those who are irresponsible, it is to help those who are unable to care for themselves and their families due to numerous valid circumstances.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Protect Trans Kids

The rights of transgender students have been undergoing a lot of questioning lately, following the recent elect of President Trump. In the article “The White house’s thoughtless, cruel and sad rollback of transgender rights” written by Arne Duncan and Catherine Lhamon, the authors go deeper into how President Trump taking office will put the progression of rights for all people in reverse. The authors audience is set towards people who may not be aware of this happening, or those who may just not care. The Trump administration made it official this week that they will no longer offer guidance to public schools on how they must protect transgender students. This announcement told every transgender student that they are on their own when it comes to protecting themselves. This is horrifying to hear because it is very real that transgender students have a high rate of suicide, and it comes as no surprise that this is true because of bullies and not feeling accepted. I personally know several transgender students, and I have seen the ridicule they deal with frequently from their peers. These two writers evaluated on just how it will directly affect transgender students. Giving every state and school district the right to choose how to identify students who are transitioning is going to cause problems, especially if that student were to transfer schools. Seeing how the White House doesn’t care about the safety of all students-- this change is going to further neglect these students. Some people may ask how I know these writers are creditable, well, Arne Duncan was previously a U.S education secretary, and Catherine Lhamon was an assistant education secretary for civil rights, and is chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Aside from this article coming from credible writers, it is common sense that Civil Rights are human rights, and everyone must be protected by them.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

In today's politics, statements are thrown around by the president with little to no explanation or evidence. The article I chose to write about talks about a recent statement that Trump made claiming that he knows about terrorist attacks globally that the media is not covering. Upon further investigation, Trump gave no explanation to prove there is a credible threat. This is significant with what has been happening in our country recently with the Muslim ban and Trump's plan to build the wall. He is not doing Americans any favors by using terror tactics. It is baffling to see that the president has gone so far to lie and throw out false conspiracy theories to further his own agenda. It seems that he is doing this because he wants to scare the public to get more people on board with his absurd idea that non-Americans are a threat.
This article is worth the read because people need to realize that even though Trump is the president, he is far from credible.